DigitalRosh CONNECT: 5-Nov-2023 (Y23W45)

This week we once again hope that even though we are still at a very tough time in the country, our newsletter can provide you with a short escape.

This week in CONNECT: 

  1. AI Sustainability: AI to Combat Floods, Wildfires, and Extreme Heat

  2. AI in Culture: Modern Art Museum Shanghai Is Using Immersive Technology

  3. Cinema: AlphaGo – The Movie

  4. New DigitalRosh Course: The Future of Digital Medicine – Theory to Practice

  5. Events: 09-NOV-2023 SPS-IFC TC Webinar: Progressive JPEGs in the Wild; 25-JAN-2024 – 2024 Emerging Trends: Information Communication Technology Webinar

  6. Jobs: Technological Auditor at Bank HaPoalim, Learning Business Partner at Elbit Systems, and more.

Let’s Lead Together,

Prof. Yesha Sivan
and DigitalRosh Team

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Cross Industry > Sustainability 

1. AI Sustainability: AI to Combat Floods, Wildfires, and Extreme Heat

Google is employing AI to tackle climate change challenges through various initiatives:

  • Flood Forecasting: Google’s AI offers real-time flood forecasting through its Flood Hub platform, benefiting millions across the globe and aiming to expand globally, aiding proactive flood mitigation.
  • Wildfire Tracking and Prediction: Google uses AI and satellite imagery for near real-time wildfire tracking and predictive models, collaborating with the U.S. Forest Service to enhance fire response.
  • Extreme Heat Response: Google provides heat alerts and deploys AI and aerial imagery to identify tree-planting locations, reducing urban heat islands and mapping cool roofs to combat excessive heat in cities.
  • Hurricane Prediction and Response: Google’s AI aids hurricane prediction and response, providing safety information via SOS Alerts and leveraging satellite imagery for effective disaster relief.
  • Natural Resources and Food Security: Google employs AI to optimize traffic systems, improve air quality, and expand tree canopy insights in cities. They collaborate with Alphabet’s Mineral project to enhance food security, protect crops from locust outbreaks, and address climate change’s impact on these critical areas.

Read the full article on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Industries > Digital Art

2. AI in Culture: Modern Art Museum Shanghai Is Using Immersive Technology

At Modern Art Museum (MAM) Shanghai, Shai Baitel is shaking things up as the artistic director. He believes the old way of just looking at art won’t cut it in our digital world. 

Baitel wants to get people involved and make the museum experience more like a two-way conversation. To achieve his mission Baitel uses in the exhibitions he creates digital projections, AR, and VR into the mix to make art come alive and teach us something cool in the process.

Read the full interview on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Digital Culture > History of Digital

3. Cinema: AlphaGo – The Movie

An award-winning documentary by Google on DeepMind’s journey to develop AlphaGo, an AI version of Go, the 3000-year-old Chinese board game. 

With more board configurations than there are atoms in the universe, the ancient Chinese game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial intelligence (AI).

On March 9, 2016, the worlds of Go and artificial intelligence collided in South Korea for an extraordinary best-of-five-game competition, coined The DeepMind Challenge Match. Hundreds of millions of people around the world watched as a legendary Go master took on an unproven AI challenger for the first time in history.

As the drama unfolds, more questions emerge: What can artificial intelligence reveal about a 3000-year-old game? What can it teach us about humanity?

Watch the trailer and read more on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Courses > DLC854066

4. New DigitalRosh Course: The Future of Digital Medicine – Theory to Practice

DigitalRosh is excited to present our new self-learning online course, “The Future of Digital Medicine – Theory to Practice”. This course is all about showing you an exciting world where healthcare and digital technology come together.

What You’ll Learn From This Course: In this course, we’ll dive into how digital technology is changing healthcare. From hybrid healthcare platforms, AI-driven diagnosis, and robotic surgery, all the way to microfluidic “organs-on-a-chip”, 3D-printed tissues, genomics, and individual therapeutics.

This course would serve as an introduction to the exciting field of digital medicine with a special focus on genetics and their applications.  

The course is comprised of theoretical lectures, and talks by industry leaders from the innovative Israeli medical ecosystem, together with the extensive corpus of knowledge available to participants on the DigitalRosh website for additional learning during and after the course.

Who Is This Course For: This course is perfect for anyone curious about the future of healthcare. If you’re into healthcare, work in the field, or just want to know more, this course is for you. We’ll chat with you before you sign up to make sure this course is a good fit for you.

Course Structure: In this course, you’ll find nine lessons that cover topics like cell biology, genetics, and how computers can help in medicine. Plus, this course includes special guest lectures from experts sharing their insights. And you won’t run out of things to learn because our library is always growing. 

Join us and be part of the future of healthcare. Enroll today and start your journey into the world of digital medicine!

Learn more about the course and sign up on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > About > DigitalRosh Events Calendar

5. Events:

09-NOV-2023 SPS-IFC TC Webinar: Progressive JPEGs in the Wild

JPEG images in progressive mode have become more prevalent in recent years. Presumably, this surge is caused by the adoption of MozJPEG, an open-source library designed for web publishers. So far, the optimizations used by MozJPEG have not been considered by the multimedia security community although, they are highly relevant. In this webinar, Nora Hofer will delve into these optimizations and discuss their implications for steganography, steganalysis, and image forensics.

Sign up here.

25-JAN-2024 – 2024 Emerging Trends: Information Communication Technology Webinar

In order to maximize your data value and expedite digital transformation, you need to have a clear view of the ever-evolving technology landscape. However, staying current with new technological advancements and trends can be an exhausting and daunting process. What technologies will drive digital transformation in the year ahead? At the 2024 Emerging Trends webinar, learn about the latest breakthroughs on the next technological horizons.

Sign up here.

Check the DigitalRosh Events Calendar

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Career > Job Board

6. Jobs Board: Technological Auditor at Bank HaPoalim, Learning Business Partner at Elbit Systems, and more.

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How To Best Use CONNECT

DigitalRosh CONNECT is a weekly source of news and inspiration for Life-Long-Learning, aimed at digital leaders.

In every issue, you will find curated content from different industries. It would take less than 5 minutes reading to get a brief overview of the topics presented.

Want to delve deeper? Click on the links in each item or follow the breadcrumbs to the DigitalRosh website.

See past CONNECT editions

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