Businesses today face challenges at a scale most leaders have never experienced – & never anticipated.
Built for Change, hosted by broadcast journalist Elise Hu & technologist Josh Klein, explores how the global pandemic has not only forced radical changes in business, technology & human behavior, but also created incredible new opportunities for leaders to evolve & ultimately excel in this environment. Through compelling conversations with industry thought leaders, Built for Change dismantles shop-worn assumptions of how to meet customer needs; links a new model of employee well-being to company success; demonstrates how technology & sustainability can be part of a business’s twin transformation — & more. This podcast is from Accenture.
Reimagining the Future of Work
Elise Hu & Josh Klein discuss about Reimagining the Future of Work by interviewing a work futurist, a Human Potential
The Art of A.I. Maturity and Why It Matters
Elise Hu & Josh Klein discuss about the Art of AI Maturity and why it matters, by interviewing different business
Why Businesses Need to Be Life-Centric
Elise Hu & Josh Klein discuss how a shift from a customer-centric approach to a life-centric approach can offer a