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The Most Detailed Map of Brain Connections Ever Made
The Harvard biologist and Google-made diagram may help scientists better understand neural circuits and potential treatments for disorders.
Artificial Intelligence That Serves People with Disabilities
AI revolutionizes accessibility by providing innovative solutions, significantly improving the daily lives of people with disabilities.
Geoffrey Hinton Speaks About AI’s Impact
Geoffrey Hinton discusses AI’s impact, neural networks, and ethical implications with Joel Hellermark at the Royal Institute of London.
AMIE: AI for Diagnostic Medical Conversations and Reasoning
This research paper by Google Research presents AMIE, a research AI system to enhance diagnostic accuracy and conversational skills.
DNA-Testing Company 23andMe – What Went Wrong
WSJ explains what went wrong with Wojcicki’s biotech business bringing DNA company 23AndMe from $6B valuation to Penny stock.
Med-Gemini – Google’s Advanced AI Healthcare Models
Video explaining Med Gemini, Google’s groundbreaking AI for medical data processing, enhanced diagnostics and treatment planning.
Whole Exome Sequencing and Fem Tech
Exome sequencing targets protein-coding regions (exons), aiding in identifying rare mutations linked to traits and diseases.
This Femtech Startup is Unleashing AI on Fetal Ultrasounds
Sonio, led by CEO Cécile Brosset Dubois, uses AI for safer fetal ultrasounds. FDA-cleared, set to enter the US market
The Pastry A.I. That Learned to Fight Cancer
Discover BakeryScan, an AI system transforming bakery operations with visual recognition. From automating checkouts to cancer cell identification.
Raising Health – A Podcast Series by a16z
This podcast’s talks with scientists delve into advancements reshaping healthcare, and exploring the synergy of biology, AI, and technology.
Raising Health: AI Revolution with Daphne Koller
Daphne Koller discusses AI’s transformative role in drug discovery, bridging the gap between biology and machine learning for impactful innovations.
Four Health Technology Trends to Watch for in 2024 (and a Look Back at 2023)
In 2024, health tech trends include AI integration amid safety concerns, industry consolidation, and the rise of AR/VR in healthcare