DigitalRosh CONNECT: 24-Mar-2024 (Y24W13)

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This week in CONNECT:

  1. Report: AI Is Dangerous, but Not for the Reasons You Think (The Verge)

  2. Management tool: Breaking the Cycle of Overthinking (HBR)

  3. Review: Why Everyone Is Wrong about the Apple Vision Pro – – an example of a UI/X analysis

  4. Art: The Loneliness of Digital Devices – “Removed”

  5. Event: 11-APR-2024, TLT 2024 – Think, Lead, Transform. Wix Campus TLV.

  6. Jobs: Intel – Electronic warfare systems engineer at IAI, Senior AI algorithm Engineer at Intel, and more.

Let’s Lead Together,
Prof. Yesha Sivan and the DigitalRosh Team

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Cross Industries > Sustainability

1. Report: AI Is Dangerous, but Not for the Reasons You Think (The Verge)

We often deal with the risk of AGI. Usually, we touch on the ethical, financial, and social aspects. Sasha Luccioni, a researcher at Hugging Face, directs attention to the environmental damage of the fast-developing AI sector.

Training AI models and operating them is energy-intensive; for instance, training GPT-3 is estimated to be around 1,300 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity, equivalent to the annual consumption of 130 US homes or watching Netflix for over 1.5 million hours. This gap illustrates the significant difference in energy usage.

Operating the models (training and prompt answering) is high on the electricity consumption and the water required for cooling. With the growing demand in every aspect of technology, the environmental cost is on the rise.

Luccioni provides insights into the energy consumption of AI inference tasks and calls for energy efficiency ratings for AI models. She highlights the need for broader discussions on mitigating the environmental impact of AI technology.

Read the full article and watch the TED talk

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Cross industries > Mindful Leadership

2. Management tool: Breaking the Cycle of Overthinking (HBR)

What is overthinking? Melody Wilding, an executive coach and author at Harvard Business Review, discusses the three main forms of overthinking:

  1. Rumination involves dwelling on past negative events, focusing on what went wrong, and being overly cautious to avoid errors.
  2. Future Tripping is characterized by being too concerned about what lies ahead, causing anxiety and stress about the unknown future.
  3. Overanalyzing involves diving deep into a topic, thought, or situation to a disproportionate extent, slowing decision-making and causing unnecessary stress.

Wilding provides practical strategies for overcoming them. By identifying the types of overthinking one is experiencing and implementing targeted solutions. Individuals can break free from unproductive thought patterns and make more effective decisions in both personal and professional contexts.

Read the full article on DigitalRosh

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Technologies > Metaverse

3. Review: Why Everyone Is Wrong about the Apple Vision Pro – an example of a UI/X analysis

Matt Ferrell is an expert in user interface and experience design. In this video, he argues that for AR/VR devices like Apple Vision Pro, technical specs are less important.

While explaining the way of thinking about Apple Vision Pro, Ferrell gives both a comparative review of the field and a great example of methodical thinking about a product. Ferrell breaks down the user experience challenges into three categories:

The hardware: The history of AR/VR devices goes back a few decades already in idea and practice. Farrell elaborates on the good and the bad of the Apple Vision Pro device regarding screens, audio, structure, etc.

User interface and experience: Farrell compares Apple Vision Pro with other devices, arguing pros and cons, cost comparison, ease of use, and more.

The utility: Many people, he says, would argue they do not need such a device when they have their phone, tablet, or laptop. This device is just another tool to get a job done or help you unwind and relax. Farrell gives a few samples of the good, the better, and the wrong about the new device, compared to other devices.

To conclude, he demonstrates Apple’s marketing strategy, prices, and ecosystem and expresses his hopes to use the device for more than 6 months as previous headsets he used.

Read the full report on DigitalRosh

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Digital Culture > Digital Art

4. Art: The Loneliness of Digital Devices – “Removed”

The photography project “Removed” by Eric Pickersgill illustrates the pervasive impact of technology on human connection and behavior.

The photo series captures individuals of all ages in various settings, looking down at their palms as if using cellphones, but the phones, intentionally, are missing.

According to a Consumer Affairs report from December 2023, almost all Americans (97%) own a mobile phone, which translates to 330.8 million people. Each day, Americans spend 4.5 hours on their mobile phones and check their phones 144 times a day. Over half (59.5%) of the world’s internet traffic comes from mobile phones.

Despite the obvious benefits that technology brings to society, personal devices are altering behaviors and seamlessly integrating into everyday life, becoming extensions of the body. Some call it The Loneliness of Digital Devices or Alone Together.

View the photography project on DigitalRosh

DigitalRosh > About > DigitalRosh Events Calendar

5. Events:

11-APR: TLT 2024 – Think, Lead, Transform. Wix Campus, Tel Aviv

TLT 2024 – Think, Lead, Transform. This is the motto for DigitalRosh’s upcoming annual outing. Same as last year, it is organized in cooperation with the Azrieli School of Continuing Studies of the Technion.

These ideas are manifested in the three parts of the event, represented by the leading talks:

  • Wix, an ever-growing company with its web solutions
  • Dr. Yesha Sivan – about thinking in uncertain times and MindLi, a personal thinking copilot.
  • Dov Moran – who fulfilled these very ideas exceptionally in his impressive career.

It will be lovely to meet, catch up, and think together, enjoying excellent company and good food 😉

Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 09:00 in Wix Campus, Tel Aviv.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Register for the event

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Career > Jobs Board

6. Jobs Board: Electronic Warfare Systems Engineer at IAI; Senior AI Algorithms Engineer at Intel, and More.

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