DigitalRosh CONNECT: 10-Mar-2024 (Y24W11)

DigitalRosh CONNECT newsletter Y24W11 International Women's Day 2024

This week in CONNECT:

  1. Healthcare Leadership: Exome Sequencing in Pregnancy Deciphers Key to Understanding Morning Sickness – Dr. Marlena Fejzo (Time Magazine)
  2. Inspiration: Shaping Technology for Human Empowerment with Jaron Lanier (Cirque du Sound)
  3. Research: V-JEPA – The next step toward Yann LeCun’s vision of Advanced Machine Intelligence (Meta Blog)
  4. Trivia for Women’s Day: 10 Leading Women in Tech Who Changed The World
  5. Events: 12-Mar-2024 Inclusive Futures: A Corporate Approach to Fostering Gender Equality; 18..21-Mar-2024: The NVIDIA GTC conference (live and virtually.)
  6. Jobs: Wix – Senior QA Engineer Premium Services, Amazon Resilience Hub – Software Development Engineer, and more.

Let’s Lead Together,
Prof. Yesha Sivan and the DigitalRosh Team

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Industries > Healthcare > Genomics

1. Healthcare Leadership: Exome Sequencing in Pregnancy Deciphers Key to Understanding Morning Sickness – Dr. Marlena Fejzo (Time Magazine)

Exome sequencing is becoming increasingly utilized for identifying rare mutations associated with traits and diseases, complementing traditional approaches, with the potential for broader application as sequencing costs decrease.

Whole-exome sequencing (WES) plays a crucial role in the research led by Dr. Marlena Fejzo in 2022 by contributing to the identification of genetic variants associated with morning sickness and Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) and further elucidating the underlying mechanisms of the condition.

In the case of 2% of pregnant women, it becomes a real risk, on top of severe suffering, by causing dehydration, weight loss, electrolyte imbalances, and hospitalization.

Dr. Fejzo’s study findings provide insight into the cause and molecular mechanisms for developing therapeutics for HG and contributing to FemTech initiatives aimed at matching capital and talent to improve healthcare outcomes for women.

Dr. Marlena Fejzo is one of Time magazine’s 2024 “Women of the Year.” She was named along with notable women including, but not limited to, Greta Gerwig, Nobel Laureate Claudia Goldin, Chanel CEO Leena Nair, Yael Admi, a co-founder and leader of the Israeli movement ‘Women Wage Peace’ together with Reem Hajajreh, the founder and director of Palestinian organization ‘Women of the Sun’, and other influential women.

Read the full article on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Digital Culture > The Future of Digital

2. Inspiration: Shaping Technology for Human Empowerment with Jaron Lanier (Cirque du Sound)

In a captivating filmed podcast episode, Michel Laprise from Cirque du Soleil interviews Jaron Lanier to discuss humans changing perception of reality, why we shouldn’t lose touch with nature, and the future of technology.

Together, they explore some of the music and ideas from ECHO, a Cirque du Soleil show that delves into the power of invention, the future, and the importance of empathy.

Jaron Lanier is a computer scientist – Microsoft’s ‘Prime Unifying Scientist’, as he describes it, a musician, futurist, and author known for his work in virtual reality and his critical perspectives on technology and society.

Technology has more or less two meanings these days, says Lanier: One is the broad meaning of learning – how to do things, and the other is the technology that connects people – the information bridge between humans.
Lanier’s main insights include

  • Role of Technology and Empathy: A concept that emphasizes the importance of expanding empathy towards all beings, including humans and possibly even AI.
  • Effects of Social Media: The negative impacts of social media, especially its algorithmic manipulation of behavior.
  • Future of Work and Creativity: The shift in perspective towards automation and the future of work.
  • Data Dignity and Economic Models: Ways to ensure respect for individuals’ data in the digital age.
  • Human Spirituality and Uniqueness: A reflection on the importance of faith in humanity and the human spirit

Overall, Lanier emphasizes the need for ethical and human-centered approaches to technology, promoting empathy, creativity, and a sense of shared responsibility toward shaping a positive future.

Read the full article on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Technologies > AI – AGI

3. Research: V-JEPA: The Next Step Toward Yann LeCun’s Vision of Advanced Machine Intelligence (Meta Blog)

“V-JEPA is a step toward a more grounded understanding of the world so machines can achieve more generalized reasoning and planning,” says Meta’s VP & Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun, who proposed the original Joint Embedding Predictive Architectures (JEPA) in 2022.

V-JEPA is an early example of a physical-world model that excels at detecting and understanding highly detailed interactions between objects.

Meta is releasing this model under a Creative Commons NonCommercial license only for researchers to further explore. The next step, as it says, is to show how we can use this kind of predictor or world model for planning or sequential decision-making.

Read the blog about V-JEPA on DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Digital Culture > History of Digital

4. Trivia for Women’s Day: 10 Leading Women in Tech Who Changed The World (Women in Tech)

On Women’s Day 2024, we decided to salute women who had a significant contribution to the development of technology and that their names are not that known. “Women in Tech” created this very partial list:

  1. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
    Ada is considered to be the first programmer because she wrote notes explaining the notion of a specific engine that could transform calculation into computation. She is one of the famous women in technology, and every second Tuesday in October is called “Ada Lovelace Day” to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM careers.
  2. Grace Hopper (1906-1992)
    Grace served at the Naval Reserve, where she joined the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. She designed a compiler that translated programmer’s instructions into computer codes, and her division developed the first English language data. She also helped standardize the Navy’s computer languages.
  3. Mary Keller (1913-1985)
    Mary is nominated as one of the famous women in technology for being the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in computer science.
  4. Katherine Johnson (1918-2020)
    Katherine is well known for co-authoring 26 research reports that provide mathematic equations for machines. She is one of the heroes of the 2006 book “Hidden Figures” written by Margot Lee Shetterly and the movie with the same title, based on it. Both the book and the movie are warmly recommended.
  5. Elizabeth Feinler (1931-)
    Elizabeth is well known for helping the Stanford Research Institute transition to the domain name system and introducing the domain name protocol. She is the one to thank for the dot coms, dot nets, and dot govs used daily.
  6. Annie Easley (1933-2011)
    Annie Easley worked at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). She was one of four African Americans who worked there and developed and implemented a code that led to the development of the batteries used in hybrid cars. She is well known for encouraging women and people of her color to study and enter STEM fields.
  7. Karen Sparck Jones (1935-2007)
    Karen is well known for working on information retrieval (IR) and introducing the IDF term to produce natural language for the search engines that we use daily.
  8. Mary Wilkes (1937-)
    Mary worked with computers such as the IBM 709 and IBM 704. In 1961, she joined the digital computer group and contributed to the LNC development of TX-2, as she designed and wrote the operator manual for the final console design. She is known for helping develop the first personal computer and being the first person to have a PC in her home.
  9. Adele Goldberg (1945-)
    Adele Goldberg is known for inspiring Steve Jobs’ creation of the first Apple computer, as without her, the Apple desktop environment may not look the way it does today.
  10. Radia Perlman (1951-)
    Radia is known as the ‘mother of the internet’ for creating STP, which is fundamental for the operation of network bridges.

The gender gap is mentioned quite often, and it feels sometimes that there is no need to keep talking about this subject. However, in the UK, only 19% of those working in technology are females; in the USA, 27%, and 32% in the EU. In Israel, according to the Israeli Innovation Authority report, 35% of the high-tech workforce are females. When we let the numbers talk, it is very clear that the gap is not yet closed.

Read more about these inspirational women of DigitalRosh.

DigitalRosh > About > DigitalRosh Events Calendar

5. Events:

12-Mar-2024, Inclusive Futures: A Corporate Approach to Fostering Gender Equality

The theme for the 2024 International Women’s Day is “Inspire Inclusion”. Join a live ZOOM session with remarkable women, where we will examine varied perspectives on inclusion – corporations, investors, and consultants, and discuss how organizations can prioritize gender equality.

Date & Time: March 12, 2024, 06:30 PM in Jerusalem

Yariv Nir, the Founder & Chief Operating Officer of ESGgo, is a DigitalRosh alumnus, and we are happy to support him.

Sign up for the event.

18..21-Mar-2024: The NVIDIA GTC Conference (live and virtually)

The NVIDIA GTC conference is back live and virtually from the San Jose Convention Center, California from March 18–21.

Registration is free for virtual GTC attendance.

During the event, you will hear about the latest developments in technologies such as generative AI, diffusion models, and synthetic data. You can also join expert talks on how to maximize the potential of libraries and SDKs.

Make sure to mark your calendar for NVIDIA CEO and Founder, Jensen Huang’s keynote that spotlights all our latest breakthroughs. It will be live on March 18 at 10 p.m. Israel and afterward, the keynote will also be available on-demand.

Sign up for the event.

DigitalRosh > Corpus > Career > Jobs Board

6. Jobs Board: Senior QA Engineer at Wix, Amazon Resilience Hub – Software Development Engineer, and more.

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