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The Creator Economy by Paul Saffo
According to futurist (and Long Now board member) Paul Saffo, the “new economy” anticipated in the late 1990s is arriving
3 Ways to Spark AI Adoption at Work
From a managerial perspective, AI adoption at Microsoft underscores the importance of achieving widespread organizational engagement to drive true business
The Adoption of ChatGPT
Recent research from UChicago economists indicates that the AI chatbot ChatGPT is effective in various investment-related tasks and is expected
6 Blind Spots for AI Leaders
The IBM report titled “2024 Technology Leader Study: 6 Blind Spots Tech Leaders Must Reveal” highlights critical areas where technology
Wearable AI Notetaker Will Transcribe Your Meetings—and Your Entire Life
Plaud’s AI-powered NotePin is a wearable device designed to be worn in multiple ways to record, transcribe, and summarize conversations.
How Can You Focus in a Culture That’s Fragmenting Our Attention?
In an age where distractions are everywhere, the ability to focus on a single task for a prolonged period is
AI’s Role in Clean Energy
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly transforming the clean technology sector, driving significant advancements in renewable energy and environmental monitoring.
The Truth About Truth in the AI Era
Lately, there’s been much talk about the decline of “truth” and the rise of “falsehood” (also known as fake news).
AI Data Drop: 5 Innovative Ways To Work With Copilot
Microsoft asked people across professions for their most innovative and helpful uses of Copilot, with examples of prompts.
The Rise of AI-Powered Smart Cities
The article by S&P Global discusses the rise of AI-powered smart cities, detailing their benefits, risks, and future predictions.
AI in Education
Bond Capital’s report on AI in Education explores AI’s transformative potential in universities and advocates mindful exploration.
Bossware: The Software You Might Not Realize Is Watching You
The Guardian article explores the employee monitoring software, or “bossware,” threatening employees’ privacy, work efficiency, and wellbeing.